Honoring a quarter century of community-based
ecological restoration in the Wissahickon!
Saturday, May 14, 2022 | 3:00-7:00pm
Historic Rittenhousetown
In commemoration of 25 years of Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers,
you are invited to join us for a festive day of celebration!
This event will put the FUN in fundraiser! Join us for live music – featuring the Manatawny Creek Ramblers! Plus dinner catered by Weavers Way, tasty beers and other drinks, and paper-making activities for the kids. There will even be cake! Get your tickets now! (All proceeds benefit WRV, a community-supported nonprofit for 25 years now).
Individual tickets cost $35 and includes dinner and one adult beverage. Couples can pay $60 for two dinners and two beverages and families can pay $100 for four dinners and two adult beverages (kids will be provided with their own drinks too of course). Individual drink tickets are $10, raffle tickets 5 for $10.
Wissahickon scene of the Kitchens Lane Bridge in Autumn – 16×20 canvas photo by Lisa Myers
Serviceberry Liqueur!
More art prints
And other stuff!
Yummy food (catered by Weavers Way!) | Adult beverages | Live music | Surprise treats | Great Raffle Prizes
plus paper-making activities for kids!
All event proceeds will benefit Wissahickon Restoration Volunteers, which is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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